It is with huge sadness that I am announcing that my upcoming German tour is cancelled due to Covid 19.
I had hoped that by now we might have been in a better place with regards to beating this thing, but given the current numbers it just feels too risky to go ahead.
I would like to thank Daniela Wilde and Markus Dehm in Heimat PR in Germany for the huge amount of work they put into making this such a great tour, I’d like to thank all the promoters across Germany that were putting on the concerts and I would also like to thank Carmen Duerst who was going to be my tour manager on the road for the dates.
I had been very much looking forward to getting back out on the road and I cannot tell you how upset I am that I will not to be able to play for you all, but I know in my heart and soul that this is the responsible thing to do.
We are trying to re-schedule as many of the dates as possible for 2021 and I cannot wait till I can come over there to play for you again. Till then, stay safe, help each other through this, and see you all somewhere along the Autobahn again.
Onwards and Upwards…